Mechanical vapor recompression (MVR) evaporator & compressor from Leheng
MVR Climbing/rising film evaporator is improved model by MVR technology. By adding steam compressor and necessary match parts, the new model rising film evaporator can significantly increase the work efficiency and reduce operation cost.
MVR Climbing/rising film evaporator mainly composed of preheater, heat exchanger, separator, vacuum system, MVR steam compressor, cooling system, cleaning system and control system.
There is a wide range of applications for rising tube evaporators, including effluent treatment, production of polymers, food production, thermal desalination, pharmaceuticals, and solvent recovery.
Large Long-Tube Evaporators for Seawater Distillation. In terms of applications within these industries, rising tube evaporators are mainly used as reboilers for distillation columns, or as pre-concentrators or flash evaporators or pre-heaters designed to remove volatile components prior to stripping.